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Free Publicity Quote
"What stands out about Don McCauley and his team is their professionalism. They do their research that allows them to speak into and about your business or book. They stay in touch - they want to see what they promote succeed. I truly believe for Don and his team it is about bringing great books and ideas to the forefront of the media's attention as cost effectively as possible. They have been a great help to us at Operation Military Family."

Mike Schindler
Author - Founder - Veteran Operation Military Family

  A Well Defined Strategy Is The Primary Key To Marketing Success

Our overall approach to developing effective marketing strategies for our clients is based on two primary components:

a. An inbound (pull or attraction) approach - to put our clients in front on large numbers of interested buyers, versus using 'old school' intrusive, interruptive sales message and

b. Using strategies that incorporate free publicity 'tools' as the key component of the marketing plan. This simple combination can produce far more results than any plan based on 'old school' marketing methods. Why is this so?

In regards to the inbound, attraction marketing approach:

* The Internet is the primary way people find products and services today

* People do not like to be 'sold'. They do love to find what they are seeking

* The Internet requires an inbound marketing approach (pull vs push, attraction vs intrusion)

* The inbound nature of the Internet allows anyone to get in front of huge numbers of potential buyers for a much smaller investment of time, money and resources

* The Internet environment eliminates the need for intrusive, interruptive sales messages that normally require a large investment but produce very small returns

While it is true that some use the Internet to deliver intrusive 'yell, tell and sell' messages, this 'old school' approach normally produces no better results on a relative basis than these do in the real world. In the Internet environment, chasing buyers around does not work any better than it does in the real world. Here it is not necessary to find buyers - it is more important that they find you. If implemented in the right way, they will. Read more about The Best Marketing Strategy.

In regards to using a free publicity approach:

* This strategy allows you to inform millions of potential buyers at practically no cost

* This strategy moves you to the top of the competitive list through building credibility in the buying community your competition may not have achieved

* It positions you as a real expert in your field. This perception is developed through using both traditional and non-traditional media

* It often directly causes potential clients to take action now

*  This strategy creates tremendous credibility and trust in you, your product or your service

* This strategy sets you apart from your competitors by developing third-party influence, the single most important factor in regards to achieving marketing success

* This strategy helps keep your message from getting lost in all the marketing noise that can potentially destroy your marketing efforts

* This strategy is non-intrusive and creates a positive first impression. This impression is consciously developed and implemented, using both traditional and non-traditional media resources


Are You Wondering Why You Are Not Getting Good Results?

If you are not happy with your results, asking yourself the following questions might help pinpoint your problem:

Could it be that you are still using 'old school' marketing methods? Are you using oubound strategies exclusively?

Could it be that you are sending a message that is not being heard by the media and the buying public?

Could it be that your message is simply getting lost in all the 'marketing noise'? Are you invisible to your potential clients?

In today's noisy and crowded marketplace, the concept of using self-generated, free publicity as a marketing tool is not just important - it has become vitally important

At no time in history have there been so many competing for attention in the marketplace.

The competition is extremely fierce. Millions upon millions of websites. Millions of blogs. All of these are clamoring for, and are competing for, your potential buyer's attention.

Your message may be getting lost in all the noise.

What is needed is a strategy that will set you apart from all that competition.

Your strategy is vitally important. For instance, in the 'old days' when we wanted to create publicity, we went to newspaper, tv, radio and magazines. Now you must still use these media but you must also incorporate blogs, social networking sites, audio, videa and a host of other methods. We can no longer limit ourselves to that old flat text style release. We must incorporate multi-media releases, social media releases - the list goes on and on. If you do not have these tools in your marketing tool-kit, it is likely your results will not be what you hope for.



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