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After speaking with Don McCauley for only a few minutes, I knew I was finally getting some PR tips that would actually work! He clearly explained the best way to approach the media, the type of information they’re looking for, and how to present my ideas in the most concise, interesting and engaging way. I’m looking forward to putting my new PR plan into action, thanks to Don’s superb PR advice!”

Debi Silber, MS, RD,WHC  The Mojo Coach™, Author of The Lifestyle Fitness Program: A Six Part Plan So Every Mom Can Look, Feel and Live Her Best

  Strategic Marketing And Publicity

"So many people new to marketing are looking for that elusive 'idea that works'. Guess what? They all work. However, not all of them will work for you.

Using an idea that works for someone else is like wearing someone else's eyeglasses.  Any pair of eyeglasses is designed specifically for one set of eyes. Taking this approach is a major mistake and is often responsible for a very low success rate.

Many people listen to all the 'great ideas' out there and then 'try them out', one by one. This is precisely the wrong approach. Using this 'try it out' approach will cost a great deal of money. That money will be wasted on experimentation. Not only will money be wasted, but there will also be a terrible waste of time.
Failure usually results from concentrating on a working tool, rather than concentrating first on the blueprint. For the blueprint will determine which of those working tools will be needed to accomplish very specific goals. 

The personalized, strategic marketing PLAN is the key component, as it is this plan that will determine WHICH methods the individual should use, HOW they should be used, IF, WHEN and WHERE they should be used. 

There are only three vital components in an effective marketing plan - strategy, strategy and STRATEGY!

"This holds true whether you are marketing a $9 e-book or a $99.000 automobile . . ."

The Internet provides an unprecedented marketing opportunity. However, it brings with it hundreds of millions of marketing messages that will be competing directly with you for the buyer's attention. There is but one way to cut through all this 'marketing noise' and draw attention to your business - a laser sharp, targeted and efficient marketing strategy.  Don't get lost - get some help.

Our services include but are not limited to:

Free Marketing Strategy Evaluation And Analysis
This free, no obligation evaluation and analysis concentrates in the following key areas:
Client profiling
Publicity Strategies
Advertising Strategies
Marketing Plan Development
Search engine optimization
Social Networking Strategies

Where does one begin? There is much to consider if you are serious about making your business a success. The key is to begin at the beginning. We can discuss all these issues with you and more during a free, no obligation consultation that will help you begin to develop the most important component of all - your strategy.  A good place to start might be by taking advantage of our no-cost, no obligation marketing strategy evaluation and analysis. 

Note: If we can't help you, or the fit is not right, we will refer you to others who may be able to help you achieve your goals.


Publicity/Advertising Strategy Analysis
This analysis focuses on using free or low cost publicity resources to increase the overall effectiveness of your marketing plan.  Using free advertising and free publicity allows you to greatly increase your marketing efforts with no increase in cash outlay.

Marketing Plan Development

Developing creative strategies, using free publicity resources, allows you to create a massive marketing and publicity campaign on a tiny budget!

Brand Development And Branding Strategies
Your brand IS you. With millions of sites competing for your potential clients' attention, your branding strategy is the key to making your product or service stand out from that ever growing crowd.

Search Engine Strategies
Anyone can put up a website. Not everyone can make that site pay real dividends day after day. The strategy you develop can make the difference between success and failure. You must look good to the engines and you must look good to your potential clients.

Social Marketing Strategies
Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn - the list grows every day. However, these are social marketing tools - delivery systems. They are not social marketing strategies.

Campaign Development

Create strategic advertising and publicity campaigns that will get YOU noticed in newspapers, magazine, radio, TV and on the Internet!

Website Development
Sometimes all your potential client sees is your website. Your website must 'sell the sizzle'!

Is your website 'blah'?

Are you converting your prospects to clients?

Building trust is a key component of the strategy. But first you need that all-important traffic. However, traffic is just traffic. The Holy Grail of marketing is INTERESTED traffic.

Publicity Services
Are you contacting newspapers, magazines, radio and television but getting no results?  No interviews? Learn what the gatekeepers want to hear and how to give it to them!

Magazine and Newspaper Start-up Consultation
Don has built two highly successful regional publications. Knowing where you want to go is one key - the other is knowing what to look out for.

This is a small sampling of our services. Many others are available. Contact us with your specific needs

Our Pricing Structure Policy:

Every situation is different. However, there is one thing that is common to all - you can only invest what you can afford to invest. Some businesses can afford to invest $100 per month, others $100,000 per month. Therefore, our pricing strategy is as follows:

Tell us what you can reasonably afford to invest in your business - give us your monthly budget amount. We will design a custom plan based on your budget. You might be pleasantly surprised when you begin to realize how much you can do when using free publicity tools and resources as the basis of your marketing plan.


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