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Drug and alcohol abuse seem to go hand in hand with talent. Hundreds of celebrities, from Steven Tyler to Dave Mustaine, from Lindsay Lohan to Charlie Sheen, have struggled with these potentially life destroying problems. Rob Rideout, author of 'Still Singing, Somehow' offers a graphic insider's account of that struggle but demonstrates that these can instead lead one to spiritual awakening

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Drugs, Alcohol Abuse And Rock And Roll - 'Still Singing Somehow', Is A Soaring Spiritual Odyssey

Talent, fame and substance abuse seem to go hand in hand. Hundreds of celebrities, from Steven Tyler to Dave Mustaine, from Lindsay Lohan to Charlie Sheen, have struggled with these potentially life destroying problems. Rob Rideout, author of 'Still Singing, Somehow' offers a graphic insider's account of that struggle but demonstrates that these can instead lead one to spiritual awakening

[DATE CITY] Rob Rideout has released 'Still Singing, Somehow'. In the book Rideout, a 60's hippie musician, travels through Europe, South America, Southeast Asia, and the Fiji Islands on a spiritual search that ultimately forces him to face prison, his addictions, recovery and beyond - all written with a hip sense of humor and the heart-wrenching self-honesty reminiscent of John Lennon and George Harrison.

'Still Singing, Somehow' defies description. It has, within a single work, commonalities with Elizabeth Gilbert’s 'Eat, Pray, Love', James Frey’s 'A Million Little Pieces', Castaneda’s Don Juan books, Ram Dass’s 'Be Here Now' and Paramahansa Yogananda’s 'Autobiography of a Yogi'. It is, when all is said and done, a journey of self-forgiveness like no other.

"This book," stated Rideout, "was inspired while in prison. I wanted my son, long estranged due to divorce, to know the entire story; the why and the how that brought me to this place. In the process of writing, I discovered that I was really writing it for myself-to purge and forgive myself for the life I created."

The book is a raw look at the crazed world of 60's; a bizarre mixture of rock and roll, substance abuse and spiritual seeking. Rideout's story is a roller coaster ride through this world. He was a spiritual seeker, a hippie, a seasoned world traveler and a prison inmate. The journey brings him full circle and ends with him finding at last what many of us seek - fulfillment and self forgiveness.

"I think readers will enjoy this book," continued Rideout, "because of its ability to touch ones emotions in a very real and honest way. It will make you laugh, cry and maybe even angry at times. This book is stranger than fiction and takes the reader beyond their imagination to faraway places and bizarre situations."

Rob Rideout is available for media interview and can be reached using the information below. He recently appeared on The Authors Show radio. The interview, excerpts and a collection of pictures are available at his website. 'Still Singing, Somehow' is available at the website, at, CreateSpace, Barnes and Noble, Powells and at Google Books. The Authors Show interview can be heard here.

Award winning author Rob Rideout is an inspirational writer, a singer and a songwriter. He has recently published his second book of poetry, based on his song lyrics, and is recording a CD of nearly thirty years worth of original songs to accompany both books.


Rob Rideout
645 Valley Westside 
Colville, WA 99114

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Author Robert Rideout

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Still Singing Somehow Cover

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