Author René
Daniel has announced the release of his latest
novel, 'Homunculus
And The Seal Of Solomon'. The new book is a fantasy adventure
novel in
the spirit of 'Indiana Jones' and 'House Of Anubis'. The novel is a
blend of fantasy, legend and adventure, a genre Daniel has called
‘Homunculus And The
Seal Of Solomon’, Released By Pennsylvania Author René Daniel
René Daniel writes in the traditions of ‘Indiana Jones and ‘House Of
Anubis’. He describes his genre as ‘Falenture’, a blend of fantasy,
legend and adventure. 'Homunculus' is the prequel to his other fantasy
adventure novels
PA June 20, 2013] Pennsylvania author René Daniel has
the release of ‘Homunculus And The Seal Of Solomon’. This work is the
prequel to his other works. All of Daniel's fantasy adventure novels
are written in the spirit of 'Indiana Jones' and 'House of Anubis'.
'Spear Of Seth' and 'The Last Secret Of Nikola Tesla' are exciting
blends of fantasy, legend and adventure; a genre Daniel has termed
Solomon may have built a mighty Temple, but he could never do so
without his Seal. With it, he could command demons to do his bidding.
The King is long dead, but what happened to his Seal? An inquiring and
utterly unscrupulous alchemist wants to know. If he gets the Seal, he
could do a lot of things. He could become a king, an emperor and
perhaps even save himself from a fate worse than death. To get the
Seal, he gets a helper. His name is Alex Khyan his adventures were
related in the 'Tales of The Van Senmut College', in 'Spear of Seth'
and 'The Last Secret Of Nikola Tesla'.
"If readers have ever
wondered what happened before Alex went to seek the Spear of Seth,"
Daniel stated, "and how he got his adventure-avoiding attitude, they
will find out by reading 'Homunculus And The Seal Of Solomon'".
'Spear of Seth', college sophomore Alex Khyan experienced a summer
session unlike one any other college student has ever known. Entering
the Egyptian underworld to seek the Spear of Seth, a legendary cure for
a mystical poison that nearly claimed the life of his friend and
mentor, Alex and his friends fought monsters, demons, and
not-so-benevolent gods. They pulled it off, but, after his summer of
Indiana Jones-like adventures, Alex hoped never again to do anything
more exciting than accidentally blowing something up in his chemistry
lab. But Fate was not done with Alex yet.
In 'The Last Secret of
Nikola Tesla', a devastating tragedy in Alex's personal life pulls him
back into the whirlwind of international intrigue, strange creatures
that pre-date pyramids, and religious missions whose converts are not
quite what they seem. And so Alex and friends ride again in the
stand-alone sequel to ‘Spear of Seth’, from New York to Alexandria,
from Florida to the White Desert and back again, following a trail that
links a legendary civilization to the work of that mysterious genius,
Nikola Tesla.
René Daniel is available for media interviews and can be reached using
the information below or by email at
All of Daniel’s works are available at Amazon and most online book
retailers and can be also be directly downloaded at Rene Daniel’s
website at
About René
his other life, René Daniel is a physician and a researcher in the
fields of gene therapy, HIV and aging. Writing is his great love. He
refers to his genre as FALENTURE - a mix of fantasy, legends and
Unlike a classical fantasy, FALENTURE builds on and
sticks close to epic legends of human history, and asks a question:
what if they are/were real? Is there really an Egypt Underworld? Was
there really a Lost City of Z? What if the mysterious late inventions
of Nikola Tesla worked? A FALENTURE could be compared to a combination
of ‘Lord Of The Rings’, ‘The DaVinci Code’ and ‘Indiana Jones’.
René Daniel
Author René
And The Seal Of Solomon Cover
The Last
Secret of Nikola
Tesla Cover
Spear of Seth Cover
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