Spinal cord injury is one of the most debilitating forms of injury. Nothing
is more heartbreaking than when it happens to a child. However
miracles can overcome any adversity. Lois W. Stern, creator of
'Tales2Inspire', offers proof
miracles can and do happen

Child's Spinal Cord Injury Is The Basis For Dr. Karen Pirnot's Inspiring And Motivational Story In 'Tales2Inspire'
cord injury is one of the most debilitating forms of injury, affecting
1.25 million Americans. While technology advances at a record pace,
funding for research is now being cut. Many of those affected continue
to hope. Garret Frey is one of those people. His inspiring story
appears in 'Tales2Inspire - The Topaz Collection'
NC October 15, 2013] Spinal cord injury affects 1.25 million Americans.
The aftermath of such injuries can be horrific, sometimes resulting in
total paralysis. Whereas some people might simply give up, others face
the overwhelming challenges inherent in such injuries and go on to lead
fulfilling lives. Garret Frey is one such person. His inspiring story
in ‘The Topaz Collection’, by Karen Hutchins Pirnot, Ph.D.,
demonstrates the indomitable nature of the human spirit.
was left quadriplegic and ventilator dependent for life after a
motorcycle accident that happened when he was just four years old. Dr.
Pirnot spent seven years with Garrett. Her story, related in
'Tales2Inspire' describes how Garrett moved ever onward toward
excellence and, perhaps without realizing it, managed to take Dr.
Pirnot along on that journey.
"In a day in which advances in
technology are forthcoming at a record pace," Dr. Pirnot stated, "the
funding for technology which could be critical to human survival is
being cut. In particular recent government cuts in funding for
those with spinal cord injuries is affecting thousands of individuals
with various forms of paralysis. One of those hoping for
scientific advances is young Garret Frey of Cedar Rapids, Iowa, the
subject of my story, "As I Am" now published in the ‘Tales2Inspire -
The Topaz Collection’ of inspiring stories. Garret was injured at
the tender age of four years and was rendered quadriplegic and
ventilator-dependent. The means to restore motor functioning was
simply unavailable at the time. Despite his handicaps, Garret managed
to graduate from high school and attend college. Garret's
adjustment to a purely cognitive life has been phenomenal but for those
more recently injured, the prognosis could be dismal unless the means
are found to transmit scientific advances to the adaptive functioning
of those with spinal cord injuries."
presented by Lois W. Stern, is a compilation of life inspiring messages
and motivational stories from contributing authors. Each edition
presents inspiring stories and messages of hope to readers of any age
"Because each of the stories included in any of the
Tales2Inspire™ collections is selected for its inspirational value,
these books are ideal matches for groups and individuals seeking
uplifting, motivational messages presented in a very powerful way.
Every story could make a real impact on those who need these kinds of
messages.That could be anybody - from a hospital patient who
needs a major lift in spirits to those who are facing smaller, every
day kinds of challenges and just want a quick pick-me-up. They are
priced to fit any budget and make great gifts."
In a recent
review of ‘Tales2Inspire’, Bernie Siegel, MD, author of ‘A Book Of
Miracles’ and ‘365 Prescriptions for the Soul' stated, “This is a book
with a heart. Filled with stories which reveal what happens when we
choose to live in a way that is life enhancing for all God's creatures.
Our potential is miraculous when we choose to inspire the vapor of
love. The people in these stories have always been my teachers. Read
and learn the lessons of life.”
Inspirational stories, submitted
by authors, are judged by a peer group to determine eligibility for
publication. There are no fees to submit for consideration, and winning
authors receive many no-charge platform-building opportunities. Future
submission categories are likely to include themes such as Compassion,
Reflections, Courage, Faith (non-denominational), Everyday Miracles,
Dreams Fulfilled and Success through Perseverance, with those currently
open continually updated on the Tales2inspire website.
Lois W. Stern is available for media interviews and can be reached using the information below or by email at tales2inspire@optimum.net. ‘Tales2Inspire’ is available at Amazon and other online retailers. More information is available at the website at http://www.tales2inspire.com.
twenty years as an active educator, Lois W. Stern continued to pursue
her love for writing, and soon became co-editor of the then popular
Long Island web-zine, LI EYE.
As she created and authored the
column ‘Ordinary People, Extraordinary Lives’, she solidified her
special niche as an investigative journalist and put those same talents
to work in ‘Sex, Lies and Cosmetic Surgery’ while interviewing over one
hundred women about some of the most intimate, provocative aspects of
their lives. Shortly thereafter, Lois followed up with her second book,
‘Tick Tock, Stop the Clock – Getting Pretty on Your Lunch Hour’, as a
means of helping to make affordable, less invasive forms of ageless
beauty a reality for many women. Lois E explains that she
particularly enjoys the experience of getting to know each of her
interview subjects as unique individuals. “There are some qualities one
can't fake,” says Lois, who firmly believes that much of her success as
an author is due to her personal touch: her ability to develop sincere
relationships, unique story angles, and skilled human-based
More than a creation, ‘Tales2Inspire’ has become
a passion, to which Lois dedicates over 100 hours per week. She has
published the first two of these inspiring story anthologies: The
Emerald Collection and The Topaz Collection, which are filled with true
‘Beyond Coincidence’ and ‘Awakenings’ stories. Her goal is to continue
to publish more winning inspirational stories in a series of short gift
book collections with the name of each author credited for their story.
Karen Pirnot has worked with children and their families through the
Department of Human Services, the Juvenile Justice System and in
private practice. She treats special needs children as well as those
with transitional life issues. Dr. Pirnot had a private practice in
Cedar Rapids, Iowa and in Sarasota Florida where she currently lives
with her family. Karen has 25 published books to her credit
including: 'As I Am', 'Just a Common Lady', 'The Learners of
Owamboland', 'Keeper of the Lullabies', 'Eating Through the Earth',
nine children’s picture books, four books in both her Ordinary Kids
Series and her Skymaster Series, and two in her Silky and Sly Series.
Lois W. Stern

Karen Hutchins Pirnot, Ph D.
Author and
Creator Lois W. Stern

Tales2Inspire Cover
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