Baker has released 'Sentenced To Life', a true to life story about a
woman sentenced to prison who finds salvation during her
Sentenced To Life:
Author Kay Baker Details Ordinary People Finding Salvation Through
Extraordinary Circumstances
Prison would
likely be the last place one would expect to find salvation, yet many
people do. Author Kay Baker's story of a woman sentenced to prison
demonstrates that what could be the last stop for some, can instead be
transformed into the first step into a new life
Rocklin CA] Author Kay Baker has released 'Sentenced
To Life'. 'Sentenced to Life' tells the story of Kathy Williams, a
successful career woman in a high profile position. Kathy falls into
temptation and embezzles money. She is caught and sentenced to 11 years
in prison. However, Kathy is able to overcome the challenges in her
life and ultimately find peace and victory over her own desires and
misguided actions through a close relationship with Jesus Christ.
"I wrote this book," stated Ms. Baker, "to bring hope to the hopeless,
encouragement to the depressed, to tell people that Jesus is there for
them, and to introduce the unsaved to Jesus Christ."
A portion of all book proceeds are donated to Angel Tree Prison
Ministries. This organization offers services to some of the
1.7 million American children whose lives are affected by the
loneliness, and shame that comes from having a mom or dad in prison.
Proceeds from the book also help support Prison Fellowship Ministries,
founded by Charles 'Chuck' Colson. Charles “Chuck” Colson was named as
one of the Watergate Seven, and pleaded guilty to obstruction of
justice for attempting to defame Pentagon Papers defendant Daniel
Ellsberg. He converted to Christianity in 1973, and the following year
served seven months of a one-to-three year sentence in the federal
Maxwell Prison in Alabama as the first member of the Nixon
administration to be incarcerated for Watergate-related charges.
After his release from prison, Colson founded Prison Fellowship. The
ministry has promoted pen-pal relationships with inmates. Colson has
worked to promote prisoner rehabilitation and reform of the prison
system in the United States.
"Readers will benefit from reading this book," continued Ms. Baker,
"because first, it is a good "read" and second, they will realize that
no matter how difficult or impossible our circumtances are, we have a
God who can deliver us from all of them."
Kay Baker is available for media interview and can be reached using the
information below or by email at komets@att.net. 'Sentenced To Life' is
available from her website, Amazon, Barnes and Noble and from Tate
Publishing. More information is available at her site.
Kay Baker
Sentenced To Life
Tate Publishing
ISBN-10: 1617390917
ISBN-13: 978-1617390913
Author Kay Baker is originally from the Philippines. She currently
resides in Rocklin, California and worships at Abundant Life Fellowship
church located in Roseville. She was widowed in 1999 after 34 years of
marriage. She started writing her book in early 2009 and
finished the book in November 2009. She interviewed her subject, an
ex-felon who was saved and surrendered her life to Jesus Christ while
in prison. In her book she takes on the identity of her main character
as she writes about real life experiences of ordinary people in order
to be able to personally experience what they were going through and
bring their stories to life. Although some of the scenarios of her book
are fiction, the main story is based on facts.
Kay Baker
Rocklin, CA 95765
Author Kay
Sentenced To Life Cover