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The scientific evidence for God is nonexistent. Yet experiential proof of God and miracles does exist for many believers. Now Jerry Pollock, PhD, may have at last jumped the 'God versus science' hurdle in his new release, 'Putting God Into Einstein's Equations: Energy Of The Soul'

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God And Science: Author Jerry Pollock PhD Provides Evidence For God In 'Putting God Into Einstein's Equations: Energy Of The Soul'

Books on the existence of God can be found in great number. Few offer real proof or evidence. From the purely scientific perspective, the evidence for God is nonexistent. Yet experiential proof of God and miracles does exist for many believers. Now Jerry Pollock, PhD, may have at last jumped the 'God versus science' hurdle in 'Putting God Into Einstein's Equations: Energy Of The Soul'

[October 17, 2012, Boynton Beach, FL] Author Jerry Pollock, PhD, has released 'Putting God Into Einstein's Equations: Energy Of The Soul'. In this groundbreaking work he blends science and spirituality in a way that has never been done before - through scientific measurements.

'How do I find God?' This question is common to people all over the world. Theological differences aside, nearly all people yearn for scientific evidence for God to validate their spiritual belief systems. Very few people take a middle position in this discussion. God and science are not compatible in the minds of many. The 'God or science' debate has raged for centuries, with most people coming down squarely on one side or the other of the debate.  Yet many famous scientists believed in a Supreme Being to account for the unexplained intricacies of our universe, planet, and the human body. Albert Einstein and Isaac Newton were two of them. Jerry Pollock believes the issue may not be 'God OR science', but is rather 'God AND science'.

"I have had Divine intervention and miracles in my life," Pollock stated, "and I have heard God’s Voice twice in our physical world in 1982 and once at the end of 1998. . Unlike others who claim to have spoken with God, I actually can check my soul energy to be sure it was God, and when I do it indeed turns out to actually be Him speaking to me. I can also check my soul energy to see if others really had conversations with God."

'Putting God Into Einstein's Equations' is a sweeping and comprehensive work. The book answers questions about God, the big bang, Einstein’s Relativity Equations and how they fit in with God’s energy, soul mates and love, the spirit world of souls, past lives, telepathic thought-energy communication, eliminating negative body-soul energy, intelligence of the soul, acquiring spirituality, miracles, resurrection and reincarnation, the Devil, good and evil, and how we can live for the eternity. The book was co-authored with his deceased wife, Marcia Pollock.

"We are stuck in a quandary in the 'God versus science' debate," Pollock continued, "as the scientists demand proof and yet there is no scientific proof to be offered. It’s all anecdotal evidence, as the atheists would claim. People have had near death experiences, encountered angels, visited the soul world, and experienced miracles, but according to the scientists none of these metaphysical experiences counts. Yet if there was really hard proof of God’s existence in modern times, there would be no need for people to have faith. Perhaps all of man’s history has been God’s scientific experiment to separate out those who have faith and those who don’t. It is more likely that there is no need for debate at all."

Jerry Pollock is available for media interviews and can be reached using the information below or by email at More information is available at his website. 'Putting God Into Einstein's Equations: Energy Of The Soul' is available at his website, Amazon and Barnes and Noble.


Dr. Jerry Pollock is Professor Emeritus from Stony Brook University on Long Island where for thirty years he was an academic and research scientist publishing seventy-five scientific articles including seven patents. He holds bachelors and masters degrees in Pharmacy from the University of Toronto, a PhD in Biophysics from the Weizmann Institute of Science in Israel, and has postdoctoral training in Microbiology from New York University Medical Center. Marcia Pollock is deceased and held a bachelors degree in psychology from Stony Brook University and a Master of Arts in Special Education from C. W. Post University on Long Island. Marcia and Jerry are the coauthors of their recently published unique book, “Putting God Into Einstein’s Equations: Energy of the Soul.” Jerry wrote from our earthly world and Marcia’s soul suggested and confirmed from the spirit world.


Jerry Pollock PhD

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Authors Jerry and Marcia Pollock

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