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Award winning author Grace Mattioli's realistic fiction novel, 'Discovery Of An Eagle' gives us a penetrating look inside one fictional character's journey to the elusive state of happiness

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Finding Happiness In The Age Of Social Media - Award Winning Author Grace Mattioli Offers Insight In Realistic Fiction Novel, 'Discovery Of An Eagle'

Grace Mattioli delivers insight through story.  She writes engaging and moving tales that combine the insight and inspiration of 'The Alchemist' with the humor and quirkiness of 'A Confederacy of Dunces'

[Wilmington NC, May 20, 2015]  Finding happiness is the big preoccupation of the world.  The great traditions tell us happiness is found through connecting with others. These days that search for connection is rooted in technology, primarily social media. But does social media create real connections? Does an email or a social media post create a bond with another person? Does social media help overcome our sense of isolation? 

We have all seen the studies that seem to show just the opposite - that social media can cause us to feel even more disconnected. Some have gone so far as to explore the connection between social media and depression.

Author Grace Mattioli's realistic fiction novel, 'Discovery of an Eagle’ gives us a penetrating look inside one fictional character's journey to that elusive state of true happiness. And, like many of us in the real world, fictional character Cosmo Greco comes to the realization that the answers do not lie in technology based relationships.

"I wanted to write a story about what it takes to be truly happy," Mattioli stated. "Cosmo realizes that he has been living too much virtual life and not enough real life, and that his heavy reliance on technology has been a major contributor to his unhappiness. Technology, in particular social media, can cause people to feel isolated and keep them from experiencing life. As Cosmo observes in Hopi, ‘the children here didn’t need the latest high tech gadgets to be happy. They were happy just to play in the sun.'”

“Readers will be entertained while gaining insight on what makes for a happy existence,” Mattioli explained. “As one reviewer wrote, ‘I truly enjoyed this heartfelt story; it is so beautifully written, fully captures the reader and thoroughly entertains, while causing us to reflect on our own life.’”

In her realistic fiction books, Mattioli paints pictures with words. Her works are filled with vivid descriptions and her characters are extremely dimensional and unforgettable. While her books center around serious issues such as family relations, death and addiction, they are very humorous and fun; readers will be entertained as they gain valuable insights that they can take with them long after they have finished the last page.

Grace Mattioli is available for media interviews and can be reached using the information below, or by email at Mattioli's contemporary fiction books are available at Powell’s, Amazon, Barnes and Noble, Kobo and iTunes. More information on all her work is available at her website at

About Grace Mattioli:

Grace Mattioli is the author of Olive Branches Don’t Grow On Trees (2012) and Discovery of an Eagle (2014). She has worked as a librarian for over 19 years and has been writing creatively since she was a child.


Grace Mattioli

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Realistic fiction author Grace Mattioli

Realistic Fiction Author Grace Mattioli

Discovery Of An Eagle Cover

Discovery Of An Eagle Cover

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