Barbara Becker Holstein has announced a free download of samplers of
two of her most popular works - 'The Truth, I'm A Girl I'm Smart And I
Know Everything' and 'Secrets, You Tell Me Yours, I'll Tell You Mine -

Books That Build Self Esteem – Positive Psychologist Dr. Barbara Becker
Holstein Announces No-Charge Download Of Two Ebook Samplers
Holstein believes building self esteem is of the highest priority today
for girls, tweens and teens. She now offers two free ebook samplers
from two of her best selling books, 'The Truth' and 'Secrets'
Branch, NJ, June 3, 2015] Books for girls, tweens and teens can be found
everywhere. Only a few offer ways to help kids build self esteem. Even
fewer are based in real world scenarios. And fewer still are written by
a Positive Psychologist. Dr. Barbara Becker Holstein now offers free
ebook samplers from two of her most popular books - 'The Truth, I'm A
Girl, I'm Smart And I Know Everything' and 'Secrets, You Tell Me Yours,
I'll Tell You Mine - Maybe'.
Both books are written from the
perspective of a young girl and take the form of diary entries. Any
parent or teacher can start a great discussion about the issues brought
up by the situations in either book: a first crush, her emotions and
longings, growing up, parents fighting, school anxieties, problems with
best friends, bullying, fear of moving to a new town, sibling rivalry,
anxiety about illness, how to navigate growing up and many more.
Barbara Becker Holstein, one of the originators of Positive Psychology
for women and girls, has been a pioneer in the field of positive
psychology with her fictional diary format. Both fiction books are
intentionally embedded with positive psychology concepts on almost
every page. They read easily as a diary, yet are loaded with the
best of positive psychology principles. Embedded in the girl's
diary pages are such concepts as: hope, resiliency, courage,
perseverance, loving kindness, cognitive flexibility, problem solving
skills, recognition of one's strengths, talents and potential, adaptive
skills and more. "Research validates what we psychologists
and educators already know about girls," Dr. Holstein stated. "They
often stop trying as hard in school around 10 or 11 and begin to
experience many self-esteem issues that may lead to all sorts of
problems, from deteriorating academic success to eating disorders,
various types of conduct disorders and/or depression. If these
risk factors are combined with other social issues like being bullied,
we can begin to see how dangerous these years can be. One way to help
girls grow up successfully is through books that encourage them to feel
strong, resilient, hopeful and sure of themselves. Once a girl
feels strong and hopeful she is on the way to maintaining the skills
she needs emotionally and intellectually to succeed."
books fill a void in communicating. Both 'The Truth' and 'Secrets' can
help parents, grandparents and educators initiate conversations about
issues that impact children, grandchildren and students. And they
also give kids, tweens and teens the courage they need to initiate long
overdo family conversations and sharing of feelings, thoughts and
creative solutions to everyday issues."
Dr. Holstein is making
free ebook samples from both books available at www.payhip.com/drbholstein. Both books
are available in Kindle and epub formats. Dr. Holstein can be contacted
by email at drbarbara@enchantedself.com.
All of her works are available at Amazon, Barnes and Noble and all
other online retailers. More information is available at her website at
Barbara Becker Holstein, internationally known Positive Psychologist is
the creator of The Enchanted Self ®, a positive psychology method for
happiness. She is in private practice in Long Branch, New Jersey
with her husband, Dr. Russell M. Holstein.
Dr. Barbara can be
found on the web, interviewed, writing articles and posting video 'TED'
style talks on Happiness, Positive Psychology, Relationships and
She has been a contributor to Heart and Soul,
Cosmopolitan Magazine, Redbook, Real Simple, The Wall Street Journal,
Time on line, the Today Show and Family Circle Magazine.
Enchanted Self, A Positive Therapy’ is in its second printing through
Brunner-Routledge. ‘Recipes for Enchantment, The Secret Ingredient is
YOU!’ received rave reviews as an inspirational storybook. ‘DELIGHT’ is
available in two versions, paperback and a CD that includes music, art,
and Dr. Holstein’s voice.
Other works include 'Around Every Corner: Romance And Mystery . . . '
Dr. Barbara Becker Holstein 170 Morris Ave., Long Branch, New Jersey 07740 732-571-1200 http://www.drbholstein.com drbarbara@enchantedself.com
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Dr. Barbara
Becker Holstein

The Truth,
Diary Of A Gutsy Tween Cover
Secrets Cover
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