Positive Psychologist Barbara Becker Holstein Releases Free Ebook Sampler Of 'Seven Gateways To Happiness: Freeing Your Enchanted Self'

'Seven Gateways To Happiness' is Dr. Holstein's bestselling inspirational book. The book demonstrates that every woman has a capacity for joy, for elation, a sense of well-being, and ways of making their lives special and meaningful


Barbara_Holstein_Headshot[Long Branch, NJ, July 7, 2015] Dr. Barbara Becker Holstein has announced the release of a free ebook sampler from 'Seven Gateways To Happiness: Freeing Your Enchanted Self'. 'Seven Gateways To Happiness' is Dr. Holstein's bestselling inspirational book. The book reveals seven 'gateways' that readers can use to achieve the states of joy, well being and helpful steps women can use to increase their enjoyment of life. The ebook sampler is available at no charge.

"I discovered the 'Enchanted Self' while searching for the origins of pain and dysfunction that I saw in my clients, my friends, my family and myself," Dr. Holstein stated.  "I was searching in particular for how women lived with, and handled dysfunctional or hurtful or painful messages we absorb along the way, whether in childhood or later.  I wanted to see what these insults, these violations, and these hurts did to us."

"To research I decided to interview women not in my practice.  I did case study interviews on eighteen women, ranging in age from 35 until the early 80’s.  I found each had hurt feelings and/or weakened self-esteem at some point growing up or in a marriage."  


"It became clear that what I was beginning to call The Enchanted Self was the core part of each woman . . ."


barbara_holstein_cover_seven"I had a profound “aha” experience as I reviewed the transcriptions of my interviews.  I saw that each woman had a capacity for joy, for elation, a sense of well-being, and all had ways of making their lives special and meaningful. They had fun.  They enjoyed much of their daily lives.  They had stories to tell of successes, both personal and professional. All of their wonderful capacities were much more than I anticipated."

"It became clear that what I was beginning to call The Enchanted Self was the core part of each woman.  It was in the past, in the present and would be there for our futures.  But we had to learn how to fly.  The strengths, talents and potential had to be reclaimed and reframed for the present and the future.  Each woman has to learn to recognize what is best for her, whether finding a way to earn a living, relate to a mate or know what made her really happy."

Dr. Holstein is making free ebook samples from the book available at www.payhip.com/drbholstein. It is available in Kindle and epub formats. Dr. Holstein can be contacted by email at drbarbara@enchantedself.com. All of her works are available at Amazon, Barnes and Noble and all other online retailers. More information is available at her website at http://www.DrBHolstein.com.


Dr. Barbara Becker Holstein, internationally known Positive Psychologist is the creator of The Enchanted Self ®, a positive psychology method for happiness.  She is in private practice in Long Branch, New Jersey with her husband, Dr. Russell M. Holstein.

Dr. Barbara can be found on the web, interviewed, writing articles and posting video 'TED' style talks on Happiness,  Positive Psychology, Relationships and Parenting.

She has been a contributor to Heart and Soul, Cosmopolitan Magazine, Redbook, Real Simple, The Wall Street Journal, Time on line, the Today Show and Family Circle Magazine.

‘The Enchanted Self, A Positive Therapy’ is in its second printing through Brunner-Routledge. ‘Recipes for Enchantment, The Secret Ingredient is YOU!’ received rave reviews as an inspirational storybook. ‘DELIGHT’ is available in two versions, paperback and a CD that includes music, art, and Dr. Holstein’s voice.

Other works include  'Around Every Corner: Romance And Mystery . . . '


Dr. Barbara Becker Holstein
170 Morris Ave.,
Long Branch, New Jersey 07740

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