Award Winning Historical Fiction Author Rosemary Gard Announces Release Of 'Destiny Delivered', Fourth In 'Destiny' Series
In the tradition of writers such as Ernest Hemingway and Boris Pasternak, Rosemary Gard writes powerful and compelling works of fiction based in reality

Author Rosemary Gard
[Crown Point, IN January 5, 2016] Award winning historical fiction author Rosemary Gard has announced the release of 'Destiny Delivered', the fourth novel in her 'Destiny' series.
In the tradition of writers such as Ernest Hemingway and Boris Pasternak, Rosemary Gard writes powerful and compelling works of fiction based in reality. Her works feature richly drawn fictional characters, drawn upon a canvas of historical fact. Unlike other writers, Rosemary lived among the people upon which those characters are built. She has lived the life of a peasant in Croatia in the late 50's. She lived for a time in Italy and was a guest in Venezuela. She grew up speaking a number of Slavic languages, learned Italian later and was Croatian Queen during the Gary, IN Golden Jubilee celebration.
Rosemary's books give readers a first person account regarding the lives of their ancestors - drawing water from a well, washing clothes in a stream, sleeping on a straw mattress, cooking on a clay stove, and working in the fields. Her works are filled with passion for her characters, written with an intimate knowledge of a different time and a sharp eye for historical accuracy, centered on the Croatian people.
"The 'Destiny' books are very personal to me," Gard stated. "I knew and cared for the people I write about. Croatian characters from my childhood and old friends of my parents, who told outrageous stories of their lives back home in the Old Country. I used stories of family secrets, death and danger in my books. I was able to spend three months in a village outside of Zagreb. I slept on a straw mattress, walked on a dirt floor and ate food cooked on a clay stove. I observed how devoted these people were to their family and to the land they planted for their food. I learned about their many strong superstitions. I hope readers will find interesting facts about how their grandparents and even their parents lived in the villages, specifically about political events in Europe and the loss of land that forced so many of them to migrate to America, often as indentured workers. In the early 1900’s America needed hard working laborers to build up the country. Working as steel workers and miners gave men money to send home or save to bring their families to the US."
In this fourth book of the Destiny series, 'Destiny Delivered', more immigrants are coming to Gary, Indiana. Stevo Markovich finds himself making room for relatives of his deceased wife who arrive unannounced disrupting his life with the problems they bring with them. He is greatly saddened by the death of his wife and others. He feels lonely and is disinterested in his successful business. He seeks a change.
"The Destiny books are very personal to me. I knew and cared for the people I write about."
Thoughts of his life as an immigrant fisherman and dreams of his father draw him back to New Orleans, where he lived in his teenage years.
At his family home in New Orleans, he discovers his family is gone. Stevo finds the city rich with history and interesting people. He discovers a friend, money, a new business, and what promises to be a happy life. This historical fiction book is filled with adventure, love, loss, triumph and intrigue. The novel also addresses the unpredictable turns in life which some call destiny and how it plays a crucial part in shaping our lives. Readers learn about the life of immigrants in America and the problems they face in a new county.
All the books in the 'Destiny' series have won awards and high praise from reviewers. 'Destiny Denied' took the Gold Medal in Readers' Favorite 2013 International Book Awards. One reviewer stated, "I wouldn't be surprised if Katya's DESTINY journey winds up in a mini series or in a movie." Another said, "Destiny's Dowry does indeed transport the reader to a different time and place, to the European world of our ancestors."
Rosemary Gard is available for media interviews and can be reached using the information below or by email at All of the novels in the 'Destiny' series are available at Amazon, Barnes and Noble and other fine booksellers. More information, including samples of her work, is available at her website at
About Rosemary Gard:
Author Rosemary Gard actually lived among the people upon which her fictional characters are built. She lived the life of a peasant in Croatia in the late 50's, and grew up speaking a number of Slavic languages. Rosemary was Croatian Queen during the Gary, IN Golden Jubilee celebration and resides in Crown Point, IN.
Rosemary Gard