Monkeypox BioWeapon Release Supports UN/WHO Control; Biden Withdrawal Is A Victory Says Health Expert Dr. Richard Ruhling

Dr. Richard Ruhling is an expert on Biblical prophecy and is also the author of 'The Alpha & Omega Bible Code'


[Washington, DC,  June 1, 2022]  A global security organization, Nuclear Threat Initiative, "focused on reducing nuclear and biological threats imperiling humanity" in an exercise that involved a monkeypox pandemic, March 2021. (World Net Daily, 5-23-22 also reported Biden’s withdrawal of legislation ceding US health sovereignty to UN/WHO.)

Eight months later they looked at the outbreak of the monkeypox virus in the fictional country of Brinia on May 15, 2022, the focus of the March exercise. Under their imaginary scenario, "the initial outbreak was caused by a terrorist attack” using the Monkeypox virus as a bioweapon. Ibid.

Their first scenario resulted in 1,421 cases and 4 deaths, but seven months later, the virus had spread to 83 countries with 70 million cases worldwide, and 1.3 million people dead. Researchers learned that the virus was engineered to be vaccine-resistant "so why should people want WHO or CDC control when the UK has reported 90% of deaths as fully vaccinated?" asks Richard Ruhling, MD, MPH, who taught Health Science.

Monkeypox virus comes from a family of viruses that include smallpox, but monkeypox is believed to be less severe, sexually transmitted, but if personal healthcare is good, most people should be resistant.

Healthcare tips from Dr. Ruhling include:

1. A plant-based diet gave 73% less severity to 500 healthcare workers who got Covid, reported by the British Medical Journal.

2. Flu comes after holidays with high sugar intake that lowers immunity’s phagocytic index. It’s wise to get our sweets from fresh fruit that includes Vitamin C, especially citrus. A person can take extra vitamin C if symptoms develop—250-500 mg every 3-4 hours with a cup of water.

3. Fever is the body’s mechanism to fight viruses. Take a hot tub bath immersed for 15-20 minutes and as the water runs out of the tub, pour cold water front and back several times. It can double the white blood count, and fasting also helps white cell immunity. Ruhling claims he beat the flu overnight this way while working an emergency room.

"This is real healthcare, as opposed to medical care that has little to do with healthy habits, and prescription drugs are a leading cause of illness and death due to Adverse Drug Reactions, though this is never mentioned in the CDC’s Top 10 Causes because they are in business for the billions they get from pharma," Ruhling stated. More information is available at Dr. Ruhling's website at

Dr. Ruhling's latest book, MegaQuake 2023, includes a surprise link that is relevant to the Covid crisis we see. The book is available at Dr. Ruhling is available for speaking engagements and media interviews and can be reached by using the contact information below or by email at More information is available at his website at

About Dr. Richard Ruhling:

Dr. Ruhling graduated from Loma Linda University medical school and planning for overseas work, took a Masters Degree in Public Health. After Internal Medicine training and board certification, he also had a Cardiology Fellowship before teaching at Loma Linda’s School of Public Health. Attending a cardiology convention, he heard Pritikin reporting how a low fat, low cholesterol diet reversed heart disease and got 85% of patients off their drugs for diabetes and blood pressure.


Richard Ruhling