David Broderick, Author Of ‘'The Christ Centered Life'’ Chosen As One Of '50 Great Writers You Should Be Reading'

David Broderick was chosen from a field of hundreds of authors who appeared on The Authors Show Radio in 2015. His book, 'The Christ-Centered Life: Deep Calls To Deep' is both simple and yet profound. It is that heaven is the presence of Christ — a presence that can be experienced right here, right now


Christian Author David Broderick

Christian Author David Broderick

[Wilmington, NC, January 12, 2016] David Broderick, author of ''The Christ Centered Life' has been chosen as a winner in the '50 Great Writers You Should Be Reading' Awards. Winners will appear in this years edition of the book. Broderick was chosen as the result of his appearance on The Authors Show Radio. He was chosen through a public voting process.

Many sincere Christians are frustrated.  Happiness and Heaven seem too far away in time and out of reach. Heaven is not a place and it is not in the future. Heaven is the presence of Christ -- a presence that can be experienced right here, right now. David Broderick starts from the point where others finish and leads readers to the same goal, following a path that is deeper and more real. He makes the path to Christ-centeredness available to everyone, right here, right now. Christ is for now, not just for heaven.

“I wrote the book to bring Christ-centeredness to a wider audience than was ever going to be possible through speaking at individual churches or meetings. I am delighted to have been chosen as a winner for the ’50 Great Writers You Should Be Reading’ award and I am very grateful for the many people who voted for me. It is a great honor to be a winner of the award and I am very pleased that the book will reach a wider audience as a result.”

Unlike many other Christian books, ‘The Christ Centered Life: Deep Calls To Deep’ shows how to begin the journey to becoming Christ-centered and then how to daily live life from the Christ-centered worldview. This is a radically different way to live than many Christians have experienced.

the christ centered life cover


The book is deep but practical in pointing the way to Christ-centered living. It contains no theological language and is for everyone who wants to know Christ in a deeper way. Depth of relationship with Christ is for everyone.

The starting point of the book is both simple and yet profound. It is that heaven is the presence of Christ — a presence that can be experienced right here, right now. The book begins from the point where others often finish and it leads readers to the goal of a continual lifestyle of intimacy with Christ, but it follows a path that is deeper and more real.

David Broderick is available for media interviews and can be reached using the information below or by email at davidbroderick7@talktalk.net. All of his books are available at Amazon. More information is available at Broderick's website at http://www.thechrist-centeredlife.com.

About David Broderick:

David is a mature Baptist pastor living in Scotland and is currently based in City Gates Baptist Church in Edinburgh where he is involved in teaching, discipleship, small group leadership and pastoral care. David has been a Christian for many decades and entered pastoral ministry in 1999 at the age of fifty-one.


David Broderick