New Short Film 'The Truth' By Dr Barbara Becker Holstein Turns Selfie Concept Into Powerful Film To Reach Teens And Tweens
Dr. Holstein's award-winning books, plays and short films offer solutions to problems that impact today's teens and tweens and helps them develop positive self esteem

Dr. Barbara Becker Holstein
[Wilmington, NC, August 31, 2016] Without any doubt, the most difficult challenge parents, grandparents and educators face is how to impact the lives of teens and tweens in ways that enhance the child's interest and encourage participation without turning them off or causing resistance. Dr. Barbara Becker Holstein has found a way to do just that - short films based on the concept of the selfie, in which young people present their innermost feelings, challenges and concerns. This new short film concept is, in a word, genius.
A recent story on The New York Times website featured a new web series, 'Ocean Parkway', which takes its 'quirky' characters from the neighborhood streets. The series looks at Brooklyn through the eyes of two tweens and their parents. That web series has now been pitched to HBO with four episodes and is under consideration for development.
"There are not enough series, nor films that reflect the ordinary lives of people in a meaningful way and that can be watched by all ages," Dr. Holstein stated. "My life work, as a positive psychologist, is based on the belief that listening to ordinary kids, tweens, teens, and adults and deeply understanding their needs, passions, feelings, longings and goals is the best way to get real understanding, compassion and problem solving going. The results are often extraordinary, as strengths, talents and potential begin to emerge.
"'The Truth, a Short Film' and now in production, 'Secrets' both reflect the ordinary and the extraordinary of girls, tweens and teens in our society. In each film, a young girl, moving from being a tween to a teen, confronts all the issues of her life. She has angst and joy, troubles and fun while dealing with everything from falling in love, to family upsets, to struggling with loss, to finding ways to hold on to the best of herself as her life continues to unfold."
The short two minute film by Dr. Holstein, 'The Truth, A Short Short Film', premiered at FilmOneFest in July. The film was chosen as an Official Selection in the Chain Film Festival held in Manhattan on August 13, 2016. 'The Truth, a Short Film', a longer 16 minute portrayal of a girl growing up, has been officially selected for the Golden Door International Film Festival to be held in September 2016. The Rahway International Film Festival recently chose the 2 minute version as an Official Selection.
"Yes, the character, based on the 'girl' in my two books, 'The Truth' and 'Secrets' is both ordinary and extraordinary. But there is another twist to all of this. And that is the use of the Selfie in film making."In both of these films, the actual actress, in 'The Truth', Cassidy Terracciano, and in 'Secrets' Megan Brown, not only play the part of 'the girl' but they do their own filming via their phones. This is an incredible leap in filmmaking. I directed both girls, but not at the moments they finally filmed themselves. They did that at home alone in the privacy of the merger of themselves with the character. I'm excited to see the use of selfies not only enhancing the actor's capacities to make the character come alive, but resulting in a film that is a more intimate, 'real' artistic experience, for the viewer.
"And the results? Fabulous. 'The Truth' in its two versions has already been accepted by a number of film festivals. The most recent being the Rahway International Film Festival which chose as an Official Selection, the 2 minute version, 'The Truth, a Short, Short Film'.
"What does this mean for the phenomenon of Selfies? I think it means that allowing a person to get closer to herself, whether that means capturing on video or in pictures oneself via Seflies or whether it means merging the deepest parts of an actress with the character at hand has tremendous potential for mental health and for filmmaking."
Dr. Holstein's entire body of work is great for parents, grandparents, older siblings and teachers to establish lines of communication with the tweens and teens in their lives. Her books have received numerous awards. A recent review of Dr. Holstein's book, 'Secrets', stated, "This book should ideally be stocked in the home libraries of families with children and in school libraries worldwide."
'The Truth' focuses on how teens communicate their deepest needs. A trailer from her new short film, 'The Truth', an Official Choice of the Garden State Film Festival, is available at The trailer captures the world of technology and its public nature with the intense needs of a young girl to share her most private and most intimate thoughts, feelings, ideas and secrets.
"In today's world of likes, lols and longing to be seen, noticed, validated, talked about, often by 'friends' only known virtually, where are her deepest thoughts and longings going? Both the trailer, even in 47 seconds and the film 'The Truth, A Short Film' of 16 minutes are great to use to get kids and parents talking about today's social media world that we all live in."
A sequel to 'The Truth', 'Secrets', starring Megan Brown, is currently in production. In the sequel, based on 'Secrets, Diary of a Gutsy Teen', a girl continues to keep both a virtual diary on her cell phone and a paper diary. She is a year older and although she has matured, her longings and her hunger to find a home for her feelings and intense emotions are even stronger.
Dr. Holstein is available for media interviews and can be reached using the information below or by email at All of her books are available at Amazon, Barnes and Noble and all other online retailers. More information is available at her website at
Dr. Barbara Becker Holstein, internationally known Positive Psychologist is the creator of The Enchanted Self ®, a positive psychology method for happiness. Dr. Holstein's Enchanted Self website,, was just included as one of the best websites in positive psychology. She is in private practice in Long Branch, New Jersey with her husband, Dr. Russell M. Holstein.
Dr. Barbara can be found on the web, interviewed, writing articles and posting video 'TED' style talks on Happiness, Positive Psychology, Relationships and Parenting.
She has been a contributor to Heart and Soul, Cosmopolitan Magazine, Redbook, Real Simple, The Wall Street Journal, Time on line, the Today Show and Family Circle Magazine.
Dr. Barbara Becker Holstein
170 Morris Ave.,
Long Branch, New Jersey 07740