Alcohol And Drug Addiction Recovery - Harriet Hunter, Author Of Bestselling Book About Alcoholism Recovery, Miracles Of Recovery, Recognizes Those Who Help Others Achieve Sobriety

Harriet Hunter's award-winning, bestselling book became the first-place recipient of the coveted President’s Award in nonfiction from the Florida Authors and Publishers Association. Miracles features 365 powerful daily inspirations from a holistic view of recovery.


[Wilmington, NC, July 29, 2022] Millions of people, all over the world, work toward helping people achieve a lasting recovery from alcohol and drugs. Doctors, other medical professionals of every kind, and counselors are joined by millions of "non-professionals" who work tirelessly to achieve the same goals.

Most of them, especially those in 12-Step programs, remain anonymous. While their work is vitally important, they receive no praise or thanks publicly. Yet they do it nevertheless, day in and day out, one day at a time. Some cannot work behind the scenes, as they are under a spotlight, literally and figuratively.

Russell Brand wrote a book on the subject, titled "Recovery". Elizabeth Vargas has become a voice for the recovery community. Jamie Lee Curtis works on anti-drug campaigns after becoming clean and sober. Jessica Simpson wrote about her addiction in her memoir. Demi Lovato suffered a near fatal relapse and come back. MacKenzie Phillips struggled with addiction for many years and now helps others overcome those same addictions. Matthew Perry, Robert Downey Jr., the list goes on and on. These very recognizable people deserve our thanks and praise, as do those whom we have not met and will never know.

No matter who you are or where you are, no matter your status or position, you can recover. Alcoholics and drug addicts need support and they need tools. The support is in place, in every segment of our society, as are the necessary tools.

Harriet Hunter's bestselling book, Miracles Of Recovery, is one such tool.

Featuring 365-daily inspirations. Miracles of Recovery was written not just for those addicted, but for the parents, the spouses - anyone touched by the disease, because addiction is absolutely a family affair. Using the foundation of 12-Step Recovery, Miracles of Recovery embraces holistic suggestions as a practical approach for those who must face life on life’s terms, clean and sober. Encouraging and thought-provoking, Miracles of Recovery inspires with Universal Truths, “Because,” Harriet says, “once we know better, we do better.”

Substance abuse issues have been on the increase, primarily due to the overwhelming effects of a global pandemic. The National Institute of Alcohol and Alcohol Abuse mentioned in 2018 that 88,000 people die each year to alcohol-related deaths. They go on to say that globally, alcohol misuse was the fifth leading risk factor for premature death and disability in 2010. Now these statistics look even more dire with the onslaught of the Pandemic effect: premature death, isolation, job loss and so much more.

While there are many treatment approaches and programs, what is common to successful individuals who find themselves within a substance abuse program is the shared pain and the loneliness, often with an ongoing support system for the person battling the disease. That support system is what Harriet Hunter offers in “Miracles of Recovery: Daily Meditations of Hope, Courage and Faith.”

Miracles of Recovery shows through personal examples how to achieve long-term sobriety by embracing new behavior and positive reinforcement, regardless of what happens in one’s life. She offers a personal, sometimes raw reflection of the truth about addiction seldom seen elsewhere.

Tools necessary to maintain sobriety and change one's life through changing one’s perspective are also proposed. Miracles of Recovery suggests that readers "Do life differently," through exercises, solutions, and methods to improve self-esteem, confidence, and embrace a profound sense of hope needed to succeed. The author spurs the reader to embrace the belief that, regardless of challenges life presents, “NOTHING can change the course of recovery when you keep yourself, your sobriety, and your Higher Power first in your life.” In short, Miracles of Recovery offers hope where there is none through a simple program of actions for complicated people.

Hunter has received rave reviews for her work from readers and reviewers alike. Vernita Taylor of Readers Favorite stated, “Miracles of Recovery: Daily Meditations of Hope, Courage, and Faith by Harriet Hunter is a great choice if you’re struggling with addiction because it offers a full year of inspiration and affirmations which I enjoyed. I see this book as a mentor or sponsor that is walking by your side and helping to lead you to a better, more improved you while teaching you how to deal with your stressors. The best teacher is someone who has been there and done that, and this book doesn’t disappoint. The author knows first-hand what it takes and how it feels to be addicted. If you need help along your journey, pick up a copy of this book; it’s highly recommended.”

Anthony Capozzolli of Dismantled Life Podcast said, “Miracles of Recovery has been a feast for my recovering soul. Every page is filled with love and helpful insights that lead to discovery. I read each page by date and randomly turn to other pages for an additional spiritual hug when I need one. It’s almost as if Harriet wrote her wonderful book for me. Page after page hits so close to home I often tear up from positive awareness and clarity of emotion.” Readers can find more 5-Star reviews from others on Amazon.

Miracles of Recovery received the first place President’s Award in nonfiction from the Florida Authors and Publishers Association.

Since her walk into recovery in 1999, Harriet has had one primary purpose: to show others how they can find hope and achieve their miracles while staying sober with a vision and determination to never go backwards, one day at a time.

Using her experience strength and hope, Harriet strives to be a conduit of hope and encouragement to others in their addictions, by showing them what continues to work for others. With practical tools, principles and promises as found in A.A., and other 12-step programs, she mirrors examples of how anyone can be free from the bondage of self, regardless of their situation.

With each purchase of a personalized autograph copy of Miracles of Recovery from her website, Hunter provides a no-charge copy of her e-book, "Your Daily Reprieve; How To Maintain Long-Term Sobriety Serenely Just For Today" in PDF format.

Details are available at her website at

About Harriet Hunter:

With over 22 years of sobriety, Harriet has worked with hundreds of women who suffer with alcoholism and drug addiction to help them find peace in active sobriety, and sponsors women both face-to-face and online. Readers can find her in the global recovery site,, where she’s been given her own room and brings Miracles to life each Sunday at 2:00 P.M. EST.


Harriet Hunter